Curriculum Vitae
Some materials related to my CV:
My Background
I am a Teaching Postdoc in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Canada.
Previous Employment
Previously, I have been a postdoctoral researcher at:
- Graduiertenkolleg 1670, "Mathematics Inspired by String Theory and Quantum Field Theory", a research group in the Mathematics department of University of Hamburg. There I was an organizer of the Research Seminar associated with Core Area T, the unit of the Graduiertenkolleg relating to TQFT and taught, together with Susama Agarwala, a course for graduate students entitled Topics in Category Theory For Geometry. During that time I also spoke at the Workshop on Higher Gauge Theory and Higher Quantization at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. I gave this talk. I was in residence at the Erwin Schroedinger Institute in Vienna, Feb 3-21, as part of the Modern Trends in Topological Quantum Field Theory event
- CAMGSD, a research
centre in the Mathematics department of the Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon, Portugal during which time I was on the organizing committee for the workshop Higher Gauge Theory, TQFT and Quantum Gravity, held at IST Feb 7-13, 2011.
- The Department of Mathematics at
the University of Western Ontario,
working with Dan Christensen and organizing a Seminar on Stacks, Groupoids and Algebras at UWO in 2009-2010.
I have also taught at the college and university level as T.A. and primary
instructor for over ten years. I have taught at:
- Mount Allison University (Sackville, Canada); Teaching Postdoc, 2014-2015
- Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany); Postdoc and Graduate Seminar Organizer, 2013
- The University of Western Ontario (London, Canada); Postdoc and Assistant Professor, 2007-2010
- The University of California (Riverside); T.A. 2002-2007
- Dawson College (Montreal); Lecturer, 2001-2002
- McGill University (Montreal); T.A. 1998-2000; Lecturer, 2001