I have been involved in the process of teaching mathematics in
some form or other for ten years and had a wide range of teaching
classes from as small as eight and as large as 250, in institutions
from Quebec CEGEP, a Liberal Arts University in a small town, and in
larger universities in diverse metropolitan areas of both French and
English Canada, the USA, Portugal, and Germany.
Over Ten Years of Teaching at...
- SUNY Buffalo State College (Buffalo, New York)
- University of Toledo (Toledo, Ohio)
- Mount Allison University (Sackville, Canada)
- Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany)
- The University of Western Ontario (London, Canada)
- The University of California (Riverside)
- Dawson College (Montreal, Canada); T.A. 2002-2007
- McGill University (Montreal, Canada); Lecturer, 2001-2002
You can also find some notes here
from Topics
in Category Theory For Geometry, a lecture series I co-taught with
Susama Agarwala.